Momice blog: tips and tricks from the event industry

Events: A year in review

Written by Fleur Oude Voshaar | 12/4/18 1:17 PM

The end of the year is approaching quickly. For many organisations, December the time for looking back and looking ahead, on end-of-year festivities and network events. How do you look back on your event year? Are you celebrating your successes? And how do you actually know whether your events were successful?

Events are serious business…

Events are an important tool for the relationship with clients, relations and employees. On average, Dutch companies organise 24 events per year. In a world that becomes more and more digitalised, the importance of face-to-face encounters is increasing. Companies pay more attention to high quality, in-depth events - and allocate large budgets to them. In other words: events are serious business!

… you need serious tools

And yet, in many cases, the work of an event professional is underestimated. Oftentimes, the event manager is not involved in formulating the event objectives. And sometimes, they are not aware of the goal of the event at all. Besides, too little attention is paid to the application of professional tools, for instance to automate registration and communication.

The use of good software can save an event manager a lot of time and. It limits the amount of manual actions - and so lowers the probability of mistakes. It also adds to the user experience of your invitees. Making sure your event communication looks professional and attractive will make it more likely for your invitees to register.

What did your event year look like?

Have you looked back on your year of events? Chances are, you did not have the chance. Collecting data that give insight in the success of your event (eg. no-show or customer satisfaction) can be time consuming. That is, if you don’t have the appropriate tools. An event manager that is able to provide numbers and figures to indicate the event performance stands strong. Go over your past events and find out what can be improved in terms of time and efficiency.

The importance of event software

Using the right software will make the life of an event professional easier. Automating the registration process will help you work faster - and checking in your attendees on the day of the event gives you insight in the no-show rates and workshop participation. Moreover, the right tools help you create an attractive invitation and a professional event website, enriching the customer experience of your invitee. By sending out a survey after the event, you’re able to measure the NPS and event ROI.

New year’s resolutions

What will you do differently in 2019, to get more insights in your events? We have listed a number of resolutions of other event managers:

  • I will spend more time on formulating event goals and objectives.
  • I will evaluate each event by sending out a survey.
  • I will pay more attention to the online experience of my invitees.
  • I will upgrade my events - I want to increase my NPS!
  • I would like professional software for my events.

What are your New Year's resolutions? The more precise you aim, the bigger the chance you hit the target. And - if you act quickly, you might be in time to allocate budget to the appropriate software.

Events to the next level

Momice offers software for easy event registration. We’re here to help event professionals make the most of their events. Therefore, we’re starting a new event series next year: Connecting the Dots. In this series, we dive deeper into the important role that events play in organisations - from change behaviour to strategic relationship management. We will look into actual challenges and concrete tools. Besides event managers, we also welcome marketeers, entrepreneurs and other key players at our events. The more support an event gets within the organisation, the higher the chance of success. The first edition will take place in February 2019. Do you want to stay informed? Please send an email to

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